Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Pigs do fly, hell does freeze over and the bear does #$%^ in the woods. A White/Black man is President of the United States. There is a God, at least I think so.

But Nebraska did not pull it out of their--well--it went Republican and my little vote didn't matter.

Oh well, it FEELS like it mattered. I'm happy today. I cried 4 years ago. Sobbed that night. I couldn't believe it 8 years ago and cried then too. Today and last night I laughed. Oprah wept, Jesse Jackson wept, some tv people wept, I laughed. I am elated. I am sky high with the sheer bloody joy of it. America is not the racist, war mongering, money only belongs to the rich and screw the poor and hard working every man. Nor are we the joke Sara Palin and John McCain tried to make out we were characterizations, jokes, I felt, to them and it was belittling to be called Joe the Plumber ,and Barney the Clown--And only someone smarmy would not see it. They were smarmy. Barrack was knowledgeable, wise, and never talking down even though he could discern the reasoning of mid America.

Still--Nebraska voted Republican. I don't have numbers yet-but I still bet it will be the largest Democratic turn out in decades.
I'm quite proud.

But the cutie pie did not make it as a Democrat Senator. Oh well--try again KLEEB FOR SENATE!!2011

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Voting is Fundamental!

My husband and I voted this morning at the elementary school gym three blocks from our house. The women at the desk were all friends of ours from church, piano tunings or the library. In other words we didn't need to tell them who we were or even tell our party affiliation, they all knew. The voting is secret, pencil marks in ovals that get put into a case that is dumped into a box to be counted later. But everybody knew who we voted for. The signs in the yard everyone passes every day told them that. And not one of them was anything but sweet and kind and I am so surprised. The signs stayed put in the yard, even on Halloween. The city has not given us any kind of backhand for daring to be Democrats. Yet.

We went out to eat at a converted train depot and the regulars were having a joke fest. One said he couldn't wait until Pimp My Ride drove up to the White House to Pimp out Air Force One. Everyone laughed. I even laughed --but I was laughing because these farmers and lawn care specialists and insurance salesmen were joking about the outcome--and they expected it to be Obama. Regardless of the snide, low joke-they fully expected him to win. I had my laugh because I expected to hear John MCCain and Sara Palin leading the world jokes but no--it was all Obama.

It made me happy. Nebraska splits the electoral vote . Only Nebraska and Maine do this. The Republicans are all over this wanting to change the law. The Democrats are all over this, wanting the law to stay the same. Nebraska never matters to elections. My vote has never matterd but the one time in 1968. Never. Not since 1968 did we matter. My Democrat vote was as if the Republican wind had taken it and blown it away. (In Colorado too) Our one electoral vote for a Democrat makes a difference this time.My vote makes a difference. I hope every one capable makes their vote count. Aren't we lucky? We were born here.

I pray it really does make a difference.