Friday, December 28, 2007

Quiet at last, darn it

My son and daughter-in-law and my grandson left this morning. It was a wonderful visit. My grandson has lived in his big town since he was adopted. This is his first visit to a small town. Wow! Movie Theatre a block away! Next to the library! The grocery store a half block--Dollar General a few dozen feet! Grade school two blocks, town park and pool a few more blocks. It was all so wonderful! I swear, he smiled every moment he was here. It was good for the girls who have already forgotten how easy life is when you don't have to be driven somewhere to get anywhere because you are there.

I feel greatly ashamed of myself about the Christmas Cards. We ended up with 40 of them from freinds and family. And I was so hurt and so worried. And then the phone calls, e-mail and people stopping us in the store to tell us how beautiful and how thoughtful my handmade cards were. I felt so awful for being so small minded and petty.

It has been a beautiful Christmas, white and frosted, warm and cozy. Everything a Christmas should be. I am blessed.

So why am I so sad?

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